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We’re here to make IT work


Five most common IT mistakes that start-ups make

Common IT mistakes that start-up businesses make can end up costing a lot of money a few years down the line. Richard Hughes, Director of Cambridge managed service provider IT For Starters, explains which mistakes will hit your pocket the worst and how to avoid them.

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IT for Starters offer everything that we, as a start-up business, need from an IT consultancy. They understand our business needs and offer timely, expert and cost-effective IT support on everything from mobile apps to server solutions...

Jerry Walker, Chief Executive Officer, Intelligent Fingerprinting

In February 2013 our two businesses came together to form Spirus. Along with the merger, the two offices moved into one new office location. We soon realised it was important to merge our two company systems into one slick, safe and more accessible system with the peace of mind of being fully backed up. What we were looking for in an IT company was...

Tania Verdonk, Managing Director, Spirus Marketing

Our company has demanding information security and regulatory requirements. IT for Starters have supported us from when we first set up in an empty mill building and as we have grown. They bring a deep understanding of the pace, budgets and evolving needs of a small company...

Dr Tom Carrell, CEO, Cydar Medical

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